Thursday, January 31, 2013

Leveled Texts

It is imperative to provide our children and student with texts that they can read independently, with fluency and understanding.  That's where leveled texts come in....

The Importance of Reading Aloud

Reading aloud to your baby, toddler, preschooler, and kindergartner is priceless.  You will be opening your child's mind to new words, ideas, questions, language and forming a connection with enjoyment and books.

Check out this wonderful guide to reading aloud!


Please feel free to post read aloud questions, struggles, suggestions and successes!



Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why, How?

The most important questions to ask your child or students after or during reading is why and how? This helps train them to think. Reading is thinking.  Our children need to think beyond the text.  Let's help spark their interests, wonder about ideas presented, and explore new texts!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Tracking Words for Emergent Readers

Teach your child to point to each word as he or she reads.  This is called word tracking and is a pre-reading skill.  Emergent readers need to learn words are to be read across the page from left to right.  Encourage your child to use picture clues; however early readers need to point to the word they are reading to make sure the picture clue word matches the sounds represented in each word. Video clips coming soon.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Individualized Instruction

If you are looking for extra literacy support for your child, I provide one on one reading and writing instruction through personalized tutoring sessions.  Students are assessed through various measures, results are analyzed, and an appropriate intervention plan is established.  Through consistent tutoring sessions, your child will progress and find success as a writer and reader.  If you are interested, please  add a comment below!