Monday, March 18, 2013

A Wonderful "Read Aloud" Resource

I am currently reading "The Read-Aloud Handbook" by Jim Trelease. I highly recommend this to parents and teachers.  Follow this link to check it out!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Daily 5

A teacher from my school passed along the following website
This is a wonderful resource for teachers.  The movement from "traditional guided reading" to guided strategy groups is discussed. Check it out!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Helping Your Children Infer

One of the most important strategies good readers use is making inferences.  Making an inference is just like an addition problem.  Take what you know + What the pictures or text tell you = Your Inference

For example:

The girl finished her cereal and turned off the T.V.  She grabbed her backpack and put on her jacket.  Before she left to catch the bus, she grabbed her umbrella from the garage.

What I know:  People eat cereal for breakfast.
                        People watch shows or the news on tv.
                        Backpacks and buses remind me of school.
                        Umbrellas are used on rainy days.

What the Text Told Me: cereal, tv, backpack, jacket, bus, umbrella

My Inference: The girl watched the weather report on tv while eating her breakfast before school.  She decided to bring her unbrella because rain was in the forecast.

Think of an inference as a reader's lightbulb shining brightly when their knowledge and the text join to make a realization.

Check out this site for more practice....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Children can listen to audio books online, create their own stories, and practice skills at

Reading Sage: The Finnish Education Phenomenon!

Very Interesting. Great Resources as well on this blog!
Reading Sage: The Finnish Education Phenomenon!:   The Finnish Primary School Day Is Shorter and More Enriching! Hand Weaving Brain Break!! Students Love Learning,  the American Sys...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Common Core Kindergarten

NJ has adopted The Common Core what will your kindergartner accomplish? Check out this site....