New Jersey's New Core Curriculum Standards stress evidence based answers. Our children and students need to verbally "rehearse" defending and proving their answers with us in a stress free environment before stepping into a testing situation. Our children and students are expected to read and comprehend a text, read and interpret a question, locate specific "evidence" in the text, and clearly explain their answer! I believe we all need to "rehearse" for this big performance. How do we help them?
1. Conversation
Always engage your child in conversation at home regarding school, sports, the news, or anything that they may find interest in. During your conversation always ask your child why they think a certain way or what made them react in a certain way. Through an open dialect, you can introduce higher level vocabulary words. Because the topic is of interest to your child, they will take more ownership of defending their answers.
Sample conversation between my daughter and I (she turns 4 in May)
Mommy, I want my hairband and my sparkly headband.
Sweetie, why do you need both accessories?
I need to look perfect.
Why do you need to look perfect?
I am a princess.
Yes, you are... and that makes me the queen!
2. Read Aloud and Discuss
Do you know research shows that reading aloud builds a child's vocabulary, background knowledge, attention span, and promotes a positive bonding experience that the child will take with them in the future?
As you read aloud, ask your child questions and have them find specific examples in the text or refer to what they heard you read to support their thoughts. Talking in the rehearsal to writing!
Good Luck! Have fun.