Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fluency Part 1

"Read like you talk"
"Read smoothly"

What does this mean to a 7 year old? Don't read like a robot, but we still want you to use your strategies to figure out the words, stop and think, and be able to comprehend what you are reading.
Wow...overwhelming, especially for a struggling reader.  I am dedicating my October-November posts to fluency.  I will never put comprehension on the back burner, because it is the most important part of the reading process.  I will discuss fluency hand in hand with comprehension,  just as I would teach it in the classroom.

What is Fluency?
The ability to read smoothly and automatically, with expression and attention to punctuation.
What is Pace?
The speed or rate in which you read
What is Phrasing?
Chunking (scooping) the owrds together into meaninful phrases
What is intonation?
Expression, reading with feeling in your voice
What does punctuation have to do with fluency?
stopping at periods..taking breaths at commas,,, making your voice go up for question marks??? showing excitement for exclamation points!!! using "Quotation marks" to change voice for characters

Below is an engaging website to work with your 2nd-5th grade child or student.

Remember...the best practice for a child is hearing someone else read to them with fluency.