Monday, June 1, 2015

Reading Like a Detective

What does it mean to read like a detective?
Our students are asked to do this on a daily basis.  We want to develop critical thinkers through analyzing and responding to text.

Reading like a detective means...

  • Finding evidence in the text to support your answers
  • Prove your answer by using text support
  • Cite text by using quotation marks and then explain the author's message in your own words
Encourage your child to use the terms below to discuss texts.  Model for your child and engage them in conversation.

Evidence Based Terms

The author wrote…
The author stated…
According to the text…
The text stated…
In the text, it stated
One example from the text is…
From the reading, I know that…
Based on what I read…
On page __, it said…
On page __, I noticed…
For instance…
For example…
This made me think of…
This made me realize…
Based on this, I can infer…
This reminded me of…
I can relate to this because…
I could visualize…
I now understand….
It says on page __, “__________” so now I know…